PCB Storage Humidity vs Temperature Control

October 28, 2021

PCB Storage Humidity vs Temperature Control

When it comes to the storage of Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs), there are a lot of factors to consider. One of the most important factors is humidity control. Without proper humidity control, PCBs can become damaged and unusable. Another important factor is temperature control. In this blog post, we will compare the benefits of humidity control and temperature control for PCB storage.

Humidity Control

Humidity control is an essential part of storing PCBs. If the humidity levels are too high, the PCBs can become damaged by moisture. On the other hand, if the humidity levels are too low, the PCBs can become brittle and crack. The ideal humidity range for storing PCBs is between 30-60%.

When storing PCBs with humidity control, the humidity levels are continuously monitored and adjusted using dehumidifiers and humidifiers. This ensures that the humidity levels remain within the ideal range, preventing any damage to the PCBs over time.

Temperature Control

Temperature control is also important for PCB storage. High temperatures can cause the PCBs to warp and lose their shape, while low temperatures can cause the PCBs to become brittle and crack. The ideal temperature range for storing PCBs is between 20-25°C.

When storing PCBs with temperature control, the temperature is continuously monitored and adjusted using heating and cooling systems. This ensures that the temperature remains within the ideal range, preventing any damage to the PCBs.


While both humidity control and temperature control are important for PCB storage, humidity control is more critical. High humidity levels can cause immediate and irreversible damage to PCBs, while high temperatures may not cause damage immediately but can cause damage over time.

In addition, humidity control is more difficult to achieve and maintain than temperature control. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers require more maintenance than heating and cooling systems, which means there are more opportunities for issues to arise.

Overall, PCB storage with humidity control is the better choice for protecting the longevity and functionality of the PCBs.


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